Superior Boiler has been manufacturing Firebox boilers in Hutchinson, Kansas since 1940. Over twenty thousand of our boilers have been shipped throughout the United states and to many foreign countries. Their superior performance is evidenced by the highest recommendation that can be given a product – the many customers who have purchased their second, third, tenth and even twentieth units. Superior Boiler, in conjunction with our network of independent sales and service organizations, forms an unbeatable team geared to meet your needs.

Packaged Skid Boiler Solutions Available

Superior offers customized boiler skid packages for many types of steam and hot water boiler applications. Fully modular, skid-mounted units, single and multi-boiler, designed for an easy “single lift” installation.


The Arrowhead 3-pass firebox design with wetback boiler is designed for maximum efficiency, reliability and durability in today’s most demanding environments.

Arrowhead 3-Pass Wetback Firebox Boiler can burn:

Natural Gas, Propane, #2 Oil, Hydrogen


The Osage is a 3-pass firebox design. The Osage is designed for reliability and durability in today’s most demanding environments.

Osage 3-Pass Firebox Boiler can burn:

Natural Gas, Propane, #2 Oil, Digester Gas, Hydrogen